The 6-Day Reset is an exclusive peek inside the world of the In-Between book.

The 6-Day, Warrior Sister Reset

6 Day Reset Animation of the Warrior Sisters

Our 6-day Reset is about connecting to your resilience and inner strength creatively and playfully! It will take around 15 minutes daily and help you work through negative thought patterns through movement imagery, journaling and breath work.

Buy the ‘6 Day Reset’ for £8

What will I need?

You only need a pen and a mat or blanket.

young woman surrounded by the forest

1.You will learn

  • to breathe in a healthy way
  • to move to release tension and create space
  • how all your emotions can empower you
  • to release your emotions through writing
  • tools to manage stress and anxiety
  • to make a little time for yourself each day
  • to redirect negative beliefs into positive action
  • how to unlock your true radiance
woman in body paint wearing a stag horn headdress

2. How

  • You will meet a new Warrior Sister and hear her story
  • Be inspired by beautiful artwork to transport you to new worlds
  • Learn a yoga posture accessible to all ages and abilities
  • Receive an interactive and beautiful journaling task

3. Connect

You will be introduced to 6 female archetypes: The Warrior Sisters who will encourage us to stop beating ourselves up, from making comparisons or striving for unreal perfection.

Each day a new Warrior Sister tells her story in words and beautiful imagery. It’s through their strength and vulnerability that we find the medicine to awaken and inspire us.

Julie McGuire sitting crossed legged in the lotus yoga pose

4. Breathe

You will learn the following breath tools to create space in the mind and body:

  • Balancing Breath, to centre you
  • Sleepy Breath, to help you relax  deeply
  • Breath of fire, to energise you
julie yoga pose camel-inbetween-book

5. Move

A yoga posture for each day aligned with each Warrior Sister and the emotion she represents. Yoga allows powerful changes in your body that bring you more empowered and conscious.

Through our teaching, we have seen first-hand how yoga and aerial dance have a knock-on effect, fostering growth and abundance in other areas of life for our students.

We believe that doing one posture for two minutes is more effective for the mind and body connection than racing quickly through many postures.

The Ice Queen peers through the ice - 'In-between Book' - Kate George + Julie Mcguire Edinburgh

6. Write

A journaling exercise each day to help you change negative belief patterns, learn how all your emotions can empower you and set goals to take positive action. Show up for yourself, steal the moment “in-between” to express yourself on these pages and connect with your Warrior Sister. Shout out, be curious, notice and find your stillness.

Our 6-day journey helps you connect with who you really are, immerse yourself in the artwork, take time out for the tasks and yoga, breathe, move and write…